My husband, who played football, baseball and basketball in his younger years (he is almost 70 now) has every ache and pain imaginable from being knocked around on some type of ball field. Through the years I have noticed him talking to himself when he would get out of bed or stand up from a seated position.
I first thought he was starting down the dementia road until one day I finally asked him,”what and who are you talking to every now and then in the mornings or throughout the day when you stand up?” He said, “I am telling myself to power through it!”
I have thought about this phrase for the past many years as I was a heavy walker in my 30’s, 40’s and 50’s, and now my knees are shot! Yep, arthritis in both and I now have resorted to low impact exercise in a pool where I “cycle” for about two hours when I can while talking on phone appointments. So guess what? I now talk to myself when I stand or get up in the morning and remind myself to power through it. My Mayo Clinic docs are recommending I wait a bit before the new knee gig because in a few years, getting new knees will be as simple as a haircut! Well, maybe.
That brings me to this YouTube video. It’s the brief story of Courtney Gabrus, a client’s niece. Her amazing story and resilience is the ultimate version of “Power Through It!” Her motivational and mind-opening website is
I encourage you to watch this video any and every time you think you just can’t get up anymore or when you have had a huge disappointment. And I hope you will, with my husband and me, power through it. And if that doesn’t work? Call me!
Next up is lots of great reading for you!
LMA Newsletter of 7-1-19