Every morning I read a daily email from Peter Schorsch, whose Florida Politics website and emails are chock full of newsy tidbits, political happenings and news of yesterday, today and tomorrow.
One of my favorite features of this free service is a list of breaking headlines like the one from earlier last week. I got to the last one and paused a long time. How on earth can news of the Royal couple be pressing? In the big picture of life, what on earth could be more pressing than Australia burning to the ground, Iran near an almost blow up, and the Dow Jones hitting a record 29,000 points?
I turned 60 years old last week and I hope that I can, in the next decade, focus on the important things that need attention, need changing, and need a hand. You too??
Speaking of news, our newsletter is now weekly during the legislative session. We’ve slimmed down the story count to provide greater depth on legislative issues. We appreciate your readership and feedback!