It’s not a real superhero, but in this Florida heat it might as well be. A Cooper City, Florida company is making marketing strides with what it calls “The AquaBoy Pro II”. It’s being touted as a revolutionary device that allows for the efficient creation of water right out of thick air. Developed by Atmospheric Water Solutions (AWS), these machines pull water vapor straight from the humid air around us and produce purified drinkable water. It could prove helpful not only in our homes but in drought-stricken parts of the world and even in communities left without potable water due to disasters.
Though it’s designed to simply look like a water cooler, the bottom line $1,665 price tag (available at Target and Home Depot) sure isn’t for everyone. Thinking of the overarching implications of having a domesticated water generator like the AquaBoy, however, we can see many logistical challenges being met in the aftermath of future hurricanes. Supplying water can difficult enough in shelters, for example, let alone entire communities in need. Having tools like these at our disposal could greatly reduce the time, effort, and waste exhausted just to supply water bottles in the event of a disaster that disrupts the public water supply. Atmospheric Water Solutions has even designed larger water generating machines that, unlike their smaller domesticated AquaBoy, which yields about 5 gallons of water a day, create anywhere from 30 to 3,000 gallons in a day.
Florida’s population is only increasing as the years roll on, with 6 million new residents expected to be living in the state by 2025. Demand for fresh groundwater will rise with the population and create new challenges for the state, its people and its environment. Devices like the AquaBoy can be useful in the face of a wide variety of threats to come. Technology and ingenuity like this must continue to thrive and prosper for us to do the same. We have already shown that we are capable of rising to the occasion, and these inventive solutions further prove that. Either we improvise, adapt, and overcome or succumb to the inevitable ruin that results from a lack of preparedness.
Stay cool this week!
LMA Newsletter of 7-15-19