The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and businesses are reopening. After taking some time to preserve ourselves and adapt to life amongst COVID-19, we have finally reached a seemingly comfortable and effective compromise.
Remote working has not left us yet, as some businesses have decided now to incorporate the practice into their reopening, as we contemplated they might. Nationwide Insurance recently announced a permanent move into the hybrid operating model the company adopted during the recent lockdown. Its four main corporate campuses will remain open, with those employees working-from-office. But most of the rest of its buildings across the country will be closed by November 1, with those employees working-from-home, including the Gainesville, Florida office. Those employees will be designated as permanent remote-workers.
This transition has proven its efficiency and technological capability for the company to use going forward, especially given a predicted resurgence of the virus come fall or winter. The hybrid operating model will allow for swift adaptability until the virus can finally be tamed and may quite likely serve other businesses and organizations well going forward. Easing tension while prioritizing people’s health is the key. We must each continue to do our parts, too, to ensure our good health and those of our colleagues and neighbors. Whatever we can do, however we can apply human ingenuity to solve our problems large and small, let us be there to do it!
Stay safe and well and we’ll see you on the trail,