April 4, 2024, Spectrum News Bay News 9, Tampa – Former Florida Deputy Insurance Commissioner Lisa Miller says growth in Florida could help spread out the cost of property insurance, however, developers are just now feeling the impacts of increasing rates, and future development plans should take into consideration longevity and hardening of structures. “As I drive around Florida and I see sticks, they call it stick built, which is just plywood and two by fours, we might want to think about some different construction types, because mother nature doesn’t like sticks. We’ve seen what happens when she blows,” Miller said. “So if we can think about stronger construction and being prepared for the worst, it is better for all.” (Original story location, including video version: https://baynews9.com/fl/tampa/news/2024/04/04/tampa-hosts-2024-urban-living-institute-summit-)
TAMPA, Fla. – The Urban Land Institute (ULI) is holding a two-day summit in Tampa starting Thursday to tackle future challenges on sustainable growth and affordability in Florida cities.
Attorneys, engineers, developers and architects will tour parts of downtown Tampa to open discussions on how urban landscapes can grow and transform cities in the near future.
Former State Sen. Jeff Brandes will run a question-and-answer session regarding Florida’s property insurance crisis and how it is impacting thousands of real estate agents and homeowners across the state.
Former Florida Deputy Insurance Commissioner Lisa Miller says growth in Florida could help spread out the cost of property insurance, however, developers are just now feeling the impacts of increasing rates, and future development plans should take into consideration longevity and hardening of structures.
“As I drive around Florida and I see sticks, they call it stick built, which is just plywood and two by fours, we might want to think about some different construction types, because mother nature doesn’t like sticks. We’ve seen what happens when she blows,” Miller said. “So if we can think about stronger construction and being prepared for the worst, it is better for all.”
The ULI summit is being hosted at the JW Marriott Tampa Water Street on Thursday and Friday.
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