June 11, 2019, Bloomberg Environment – Canceling the program’s debt would essentially amount to a $20 billion subsidy of flood claim filers, where “taxpayers who were not affected by instances that caused the event are subsidizing those that were,” said …
Year: 2019
Hurricane preparation should start long before the first gust of wind
June 5, 2019, Clay Today – “One of the most important things we can do as Floridians is not forget that storm season comes every year and we need to always assume it will be a serious hurricane season,” said …
Do you know what’s in your insurance policy? Find out before hurricane season
May 30, 2019, ABC Action News WFTS-TV, Tampa – “Videotape your home and all of its contents and store it in the cloud. Know what you have so you don’t have to guess about it after it’s gone,” said former …
Key AOB Reform Effective Immediately
Today is the day Florida’s old Assignment of Benefits (AOB) system ended in a dramatic flourish, and with it, much of the abuse that has left consumers and insurance companies on the hook for unfinished repairs, excessive charges, and a …
Florida Passes ‘Catch All’ Insurance Bill Impacting Surplus Lines, Catastrophe Fund
May 13, 2019, Insurance Journal ̶ Lisa Miller, a former Florida Deputy Insurance Commissioner and current advocate for the state’s admitted market, said the changes in HB 301 make it easier for surplus lines insurers to compete with Florida’s admitted …
Episode 19 – New AOB Law: Putting Consumers on Offense
Kia and Hyundai fires could drive up insurance rates
May 6, 2019, ABC Action News WFTS-TV, Tampa – “The auto insurance companies are probably watching the car fires closely,” said Lisa Miller, Florida’s former deputy insurance commissioner. “You can bet the insurance companies are going to increase their rates …
Consider these tips before a storm to ease the insurance process after
May 3, 2019, WKMG-TV News 6, Orlando – “Don’t leave the element of surprise as a way to get your claim paid. Understand what your house can and can’t stand in terms of the wind. Make sure you have enough …
New Miami Zoning Tackles Flooding, While NFIP Rate Plan Challenged

Lots of things are continuing to happen in the world of flood mitigation and insurance. Miami has passed its first law designed to protect against sea level rise, Governor DeSantis this past week selected the state’s first Chief Science Officer …
Episode 18 – The AOB Problem